Every Religion is Better

Every religion is better than Islam, and so is atheism. Here are three reasons:
1. All religions, except Islam, have the Golden Rule as an ethical cornerstone. Instead Islam has a dualistic ethical code.
2. In Islam, the Sharia demands that all humanity submit to Islamic customs and law.
3. The only religion that can kill apostates is Islam. Leaving Islam is a capital crime under the Sharia.
Some say that all religions are the same. But, from these reasons, we can see that Islam is inferior to all others.

10 Responses

  1. Safe

    A brief study of the major religions of the world through the ages would reveal quickly that all three reasons stated by Dr. Warner are erroneous. Typically, as dictated by Sharia, Muslim governments have not been bothering their non-Muslim citizens, through the ages. Many Western governments did not display the same tolerance to their citizens belonging to Judaism or a different Christian sect.

    The username “Manyuka” in Arabic means a female who is having sex.

  2. samcginty

    Well said, Dr. Warner. Thanks for your research.

  3. maria

    I used to be Agnostic but after 9/11 I bought a Koran and read it. I also purchased Reliance of the Traveler. I am now absolutely certain that Satan exists because Satan must have assisted Mohammed in the creation of Islam. With Islam, the devil is literally in the details!

  4. rbarbro

    World-Wide Islam is responsible for 12000-22000 thousand deaths a year either by blowing themselves up murdering those around them hacking people to death with machetes or sawing off the heads of their victims. As someone who receives world-wide AP wires on Violence of this type there is no denying this as a fact and the cruelty of these murderers. The Islamist sometimes resort to Gunplay when convenient to Murder some defenseless person or persons whom they deem blasphemous and degrading to Islam. While it’s a core belief in Islam that Jesus the Christ is only a Prophet, Did Not Die on the Cross, Is not the Son of God, and was not resurrected Which All of Christianity Calls Blasphemy and Highly offensive does that give us the right to go on killing spree and kill any Muslim we might meet? Hmm we could say we learned it from Islam because that is what Islam does that’s its Speciality Murder.
    But if you study the life of Mohammed it’s no surprise he was Murderer, a Thief and a Liar from the very beginning.

  5. Prairie

    Manyuka, what evidence do you have to convince people that your belief is superior? If you are really have concern/love for people, you should at least explain.

    Here’s what our good book tells us: “By this it may be seen who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not do right is not of God, nor he who does not love his brother.” “If any one says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.” “And this commandment we have from him, that he who loves God should love his brother also.”

    Wouldn’t even you want love rather than death?

  6. manyuka


    • TmKa

      Look, if you have to use coercion, the threat of beheading and eternal misery in hell to get people to “believe” in your religion, then by default it is not worth believing in.

      Why do I want to join a God that favors genocide of non-believers, eternal punishment for free thinkers, death penalty for apostasy? And if God wants nothing but mindless acolytes, why did he give us brains, intelligence and free choice/will?

      The entire religion was just a scheme. Mohammed was an orphan living in a vendetta base society. He schemed to find a way to turn his vulnerability upside down. Islam was the scheme to how he did it. Islam put Mohammed on top. That was its sole purpose. He didn’t plan for succession, which is why you guys fight over it, because he didn’t care – it was all to protect and promote him to the top. Moreover he ruled like a mafia boss: he engaged in banditry, deceit, assassination, extortion and genodice: in short, he ruled Medina like a Mafia boss.

      No God of all creation would sanction the slaughtering of that creation simply because they don’t honor an orphan’s plea. If God is great, he doesn’t need coercion. If God is great he doesn’t need Mohammed. Who needed coercion? Mohammed did, that’s who. The fact that you are a Muslim means that one of your ancestors was probably coerced into becoming a Muslim – it is nothing more than widespread Stockholm syndrome. And now you are trapped in it – because of the death penalty for apostacy. You have surrendered the free will God gave you for the straight jacket imposed by a Mafia boss.

      If God is Great, God is love, which of these would you deny? If God is love, would he sanction genocide? Who needed genocide? God? God would only need Genocide if he is less than those who he would have killed. But if God created people, why would he be so week as to want them killed. Does God need genocide? No. He created the people Islam would seek to kill. Who, then, needs Genocide? Who would seek to kill that which God created? Mohammed did. 900 Jewish men. God is great, God is love, which would you deny? Which would God deny?

      There is good love, and there is bad love. Good love is empowering, bad love is controlling, Islam does not empower. It imposes norms using coercive force. A person loses his free will. This retards human development. We know this, because the Islamic world is one devoid of first rate universities and Nobel prize winning scholars.

      What your are is God’s gift to you. What you develop into is your gift to God. Islam keeps you from becoming a free and fully developed person. What you have to give back to God when you die is little different from what he gave to you to develop. In giving you life he gave you a chance to participate in his creation by authoring what you would and could become. Not only did you not participate, in embracing Islam you rejected the invitation he offered. The nature of God’s glory is that he gives you the pen to write your own story and the more you develop yourself, the more you glorify God’s creation. This is an act of love on God’s part. Sheer generosity. God is great, God is love, which would you deny? Which would he deny? Since love is great, love is the right choice. You chose wrongly and now you live outside of God’s love. You yell and pray at a distance, instead of embracing the invitation to have a deep and personal relationship. You reject his invitations. But it’s never too late. He’s waiting for your to see the beauty and find the courage, to participate in his creation, to author your own work, to develop your self ever more. Grab this opportunity with both hands and vigor. There’s much you can still achieve, you can still participate in his creation, you can give back to him a measure of the love he has given to you. And when you do that, you’ll understand just how the love of God is. If God is Great, then he is not so petty ask creatures to kill other creatures just so that they will worship him. To begin with he has multitude of angels to be his acolytes. It was purely Mohammed’s desire that his followers kill others for not following Mohammed. In the final analysis, Mohammed’s creation of a theocratic state was just a phantastic scheme for him, an orphan, to overcome the vulnerabilities of being an orphan in a vendetta law environment.

    • rbarbro

      World-Wide Islam is responsible for 12000-22000 thousand deaths a year either by blowing themselves up murdering those around them hacking people to death with machetes or sawing off the heads of their victims. As someone who receives world-wide AP wires on Violence of this type there is no denying this as a fact and the cruelty of these murderers. The Islamist sometimes resort to Gunplay when convenient to Murder some defenseless person or persons whom they deem blasphemous and degrading to Islam. While it’s a core belief in Islam that Jesus the Christ is only a Prophet, Did Not Die on the Cross, Is not the Son of God, and was not resurrected Which All of Christianity Calls Blasphemy and Highly offensive does that give us the right to go on killing spree and kill any Muslim we might meet? Hmm we could say we learned it from Islam because that is what Islam does that’s its Speciality Murder.
      But if you study the life of Mohammed it’s no surprise he was Murderer, a Thief and a Liar from the very beginning.

    • LoveChrist2016

      Islam is a cult of pedophiles! Islam will not cease until the entire world is islam. Am I right?

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