Kafir Civilization

On May 12 Bill Warner was the opening speaker for Geert Wilders in Nashville, TN. His 14 minute speech about our civilization and Islam is found at:

Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
Permalink https://politicalislam.com/sharia-silliness/
Copyright © 2011 CBSX, LLC, politicalislam.com

9 Responses

  1. kathleen7546

    China does this also. to Tibet and Nepal. Also sent many Han Clhineseto the far west of China where Muslims are. Probably done by other civilizations in the past..
    Of course, without the beheadings, other murders and the rigid severity of daily life changes to society.
    I sometimes fear we are being set up for a war with Muslims. Our government lets things fester. As does the EU. Read Soern Kern at PUNDICITY. His four pieces on Spain. Outrageous but true and frightening, I think.


  2. Political Islam and the Islamic religion both are dangerous to humankind. However, there was no stories on the atrocities of Islamic expansion (read: colonialism) in South-east Asia. In fact, the Malays in South-east Asia (called Nusantara) have their own identity before the coming of Hinduism and Buddhism, and later Islam, and later Western colonialists and Christianity. The history of the Malays (now total: 350 millions) is mostly written by the Orientalists of later years, i.e., in the era of Sriwijaya and Majapahit. Yet, the Malays existed many thousands years before that. There is no history written on the origin of the Malays. Presently, the Malays in South-east Asia are embracing Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. They are fully forgotten about their own identity. To know more about the origin of the Malays, please browse my blog:

  3. Steve

    Well lets see Christopher Hitchens is a left wing fixture A political ally for Islamists here in America .

    Jerry Falwell a Christian minister who’s debates go are more in line of Christian doctrine and not an expert in Islamic texts..

    Sam Harris another Author outside the field of Islamic doctrine. and of course another left wing atheist.

    Of course you bring up these people. They don’t debate they share their opinions and appease to agree to disagree. These are softball opponents not at all in the class as Bill or Robert or the dozen or so other experts of Islamic culture drawing a clearer picture of the evils of Islam and the lies and distortion it spreads to the ignorant.

    Your examples are toothless Authors without any substance or credence to holding a assertive debate Your challenge to Bill is unworthy and quite frankly immature and you sir. Fail.

  4. M.A. Middle East Politics

    Bill Warner is a coward. Why does he not hold any public debates against Muslims? Don’t give me this ‘death threat” crap, there are many individuals who oppose Islam, yet hold public debates, and experience no harm; Christopher Hitchens, Jerry Falwell, Sam Harris, and many others.

    The reality is that Mr. Warner realizes that his “ideas” are baseless.

    Hell, I’d love to debate him!

  5. A. Spits

    Is Mr Charles aware that Mr Wilders has had numerous death threats and must live a life in hiding? Is Mr Charles aware that Mr Wilders is using his freedom of speech entitlement not to cause hate, but to tell the truth about islam? Is Mr Charles aware that his trial is being orchestrated by certain political activists and a direct assault on everyone´s free speech in the Netherlands? is Mr Charles aware that as a barrister he only tells one side of the story, but refrains from telling the whole truth, in this case by mentioning ´hate speech´, which in effect is just telling the way things are within islam?

    In the Netherlands any political party may have funds originating from whatever source, but that is not the issue, the issue is the debate about islam. Mr Wilders has always been open to any criticism, but death threats are not part of this discourse naturally, which occurs on a daily basis.

    There is a question time, but no other party dares to touch islam as a debating matter. Instead they attack Mr Wilders on a personal level. It shows the absolute cowardice of the other parites. Mr Wilders has never wanted to ´punish´ people for criticising him, but it should not be done with taxpayers´ money, for many so called agencies and organisations are publically funded in order to restrict free speech.

    A. Spits
    Founder member Frédéric Bastiat Foundation for the spread of classical liberalism and libertarianism in The Netherlands

  6. D Charles

    And Bill is proud of speaking on behalf of the greatest hypocrit Europe has produced in 30 years?

    Is Bill aware that his hate speech is written and sponsered by the Settler Movement?

    Is Bill aware that his talking about democracy and transparency falls flat with his own party? The PVV actually has only one member, guess who. There is no policy votes, candidate voting, it is all by the “owner”. Though demanding transparency and showing of spending by the government and other organisations regarding others, he refuses to devulge the sources of his own funding.

    Is Bill aware that Wilders demands freedom of speech “no matter what” but in reality wishes to “punish” those that condemn him as being “hate”.

    Well Bill, you have proudly introduced a hypocrit who, by the way, never debates in public claiming security, even within the House of Parliament, he makes a speech and leaves every time it is “question time” because he knows he will fall.

    D Charles QC
    Barrister accredited to Britain and Spain

  7. Ron Rand

    I would like a copy of Bill Warner’s speaking schedule. Please send me such. Thank you,

  8. vivarto

    This is a great talk. Now I’d like to see the rest of the meeting. Where is the link?

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