Sudden Jihad

Sudden jihad syndrome was coined by Daniel Pipes, an excellent scholar. Jihad, such as the recent attack in Chattanooga seem to done by “nice” people. How do we explain “nice Muslims” who commit jihad? Some nice Muslims are simply do not follow much of Islam. They are Islam, light. Then there are other nice Muslims who know all of Islam, including jihad, who are pleasant because they need to live in our society. But deep within, they have the heart of a jihadist which can manifest suddenly.

How can we tell the difference? Are they really a friend or a deceiver? There is no way to know the heart of a Muslim.


Синдром «внезапного джихада»

Синдром «внезапного джихада» был придуман Даниэлем Пайпсом, замечательным ученым. Джихад, например, такой, как недавнее нападение в Чаттануга, видимо, был осуществлен  вполне «приятными» людьми. Как мы можем объяснить «приятных мусульман», которые совершают джихад? Просто некоторые «приятные мусульмане» не следуют большей части Ислама. Они следуют облегченному Исламу. Есть и другие «приятные мусульмане», которые знают весь Ислам, включая джихад. Они приятны, потому что должны жить в нашем обществе. Но глубоко внутри у них сердца джихадистов, что может проявляться неожиданно.

Как нам заметить отличие? Являются ли они настоящими друзьями или обманщиками? Нет никакого способа узнать сердце мусульманина.


3 Responses

  1. anti-statist

    Thank you Dr. Warner for sharing this peculiarity of Muslims. As you aptly said; it is a type of dualism. Of course this dualism becomes quite palpable when one finds Mohammedans living in non-Islamic societies.

  2. […] Source: Sudden jihad syndrome was coined by Daniel Pipes, an excellent scholar. Jihad, such as the recent attack in Chattanooga seem to done by “nice” people. How do we explain “nice Muslims” who commit jihad? Some nice Muslims are simply do not follow much of Islam. They are Islam, light. Then there are other nice Muslims who know all of Islam, including jihad, who are pleasant because they need to live in our society. But deep within, they have the heart of a jihadist which can manifest suddenly. […]

  3. elisko

    When we are talking about these hidden jihadists, would it be accurate to say that their pretense at being friendly is just a form of taqiya? Are they lying about “Islam” and their relationship to it for the sake of advancing the Mohammedan cause?

    (And I put Islam in quotes because I don’t believe that the Mohammedan beliefs that most of these people profess makes them “Servants of Allah” – their beliefs seem more infernally sourced than divine!)

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