The Death of History

It is the purpose of Islamic State, ISIS, to annihilate Kafir civilizations, including their history. ISIS is destroying the antiquities and history of Syria, doing what Islam has done for 1400 years.
Islam calls all history that came before Mohammed, jahiliyah, ignorance which is offensive to Allah. It is to be annihilated.
When there are riots and collapse of governments in the Islamic Middle East, museums are ransacked, treasures stolen and destroyed. It was Islam that tried to destroy the pyramids of Egypt. And Islam that destroyed the Bamyam Buddhas of Afghanistan.
In our new Tennessee textbooks, history is being rewritten to present Islam only as a force for good. Meanwhile we are seeing the death of humanity’s history.
Смерть Истории
Целью Исламского государства, ИГИЛ, заключается в уничтожении цивилизаций Кафиров, в том числе Историю. ИГИЛ разрушает древности и историю Сирии, делая то, что делал Ислам на протяжении 1400 лет.
Ислам называет всю Историю, которая имела место до пришествия Мухаммада, Джахилия, невежество, которое оскорбительно для Аллаха. Она должна быть уничтожена.
Когда на исламском Ближнем Востоке происходят беспорядки и наступает крах правительств, разоряются музеи, разграбляются и уничтожаются сокровища. Именно Ислам пытался разрушить пирамиды Египта. И именно Ислам разрушил статуи Будды в городе Бамиам, в Афганистане. В наших новых учебниках в Теннесси была переписана история, чтобы представить Ислам исключительно как силу добра. Тем временем мы наблюдаем смерть истории человечества.

43 Responses

  1. jacob.york.2008

    Muhammad Sa’im al-Dahr—a Sufi Muslim—in AD 1378, upon finding the local peasants making offerings to the Sphinx in the hope of increasing their harvest. Enraged, he destroyed the nose and was later hanged for vandalism.

  2. manyuka

    wrong traditional islam emerged after mohammed died ,it puts forwards belief than using mind in belief . why it does so? because it needs to forbid freedom to gain control and power over people.

    • jedicounsellor

      manyuka, what Islam do you belong to, exactly?
      Also, how do you claim to adhere to such respectable virtues/renounce abhorrent qualities while following the koran? Are you selecting particular books to avoid, such as sura 8?

  3. manyuka

    he did nothing wrong in his lifetime, thats your vision about him. you dismiss him very quickly.he just defended himself, he fought for the future of religion. yeah thats unholly right? all prophets came to defy the status quo.

    • jedicounsellor

      He was a bloody ignoramus when it comes to religion! Notice how the Jews laughed him out of their synagogues, and then he retaliated like a simple human being by hating on Jewish, and everyone who opposed him – like Mozlems do today. You think you’re justified by his actions but really the rest of the world looks down on you for venerating him. Jesus is a much better role model, regardless of whether the scripture was corrupted, and actually it still isn’t as corrupt as the Koran. Muhammad’s seventh grandfather is a foreskin!

      • manyuka

        everybody hates jews and you morons support them, jesus liked jews, ? jews are holly chosen people right? jews get regular punishment from god. huh, what you wanna know about him? you wanna see him as killer. thats your vision and you gonna pay for this on the day of judgement. he did great job on infidels like you. after he is gone , defeated side corrupted islam by being fake muslims to revenge and they became successful. i reject traditional dark islam that forbids freedom, using mind and logic.i do not belong to that islam. i belong to the islam of koran of freedom,logic,philosophy

        • jedicounsellor

          Then you also don’t adhere to the Hadith as I know philosophy is vehemently opposed in the traditions of Islam. You wouldn’t be considered Muslim in the true sense – I only hope that your strong mind lets you put the Koran down and get on with your life in a more positive way. Take care.

          • manyuka

            hadiths are mostly fake to change,to corrupt religion thanks to emevis those fake muslims

          • jedicounsellor

            So Muhammad is perfect and everything he did was perfect except for all the traditions he endorsed/practiced… they’re a corruption of Islam, right?

    • beverlyhayward

      I apologize for being tardy–working at hospital. To your statement. God does not have to fight to give a future to religion. Man thinks he knows more than God so he fights to be in the right about religion.Then why have a religion if that is all it is about? I would rather have a God that loves me as I am, rather than one who tells me to jump on one foot on the fourth month of every year for no great reason or kill, rape and enslave people because of one man saying to do it.

      • manyuka

        what do you know about god? god destroyed and punished many nations after he warned them with his prophets, and mohammeds people were wild,fierce,mean,boisterious mfs. he warned them, they didnt care and they attacked. and they died like dogs. that was great retribution for them, god dont love infidels as he states– we created many humans and genies for hell they have eyes dont see,ears dont hear– as for genies what do you know about them????. nothing right? i know alot about them , because i experience them. how you like that?

        • beverlyhayward

          You are ranting again. I think what you like about your religion is the shock effect. Remember not everyone response to your insults and “outrageous” statements. Open your mind to other ideas that could possibility change your life. If it doesn’t work for you, you can always go back to what you know. That decision will not cause me any grief. You are responsible for your own decisions. I’ll say goodbye.

          • manyuka

            you deserve rants,insults,hate ,anything. , i dont like stupid people, i dont like dead people.

          • jedicounsellor

            manyuka, I’m confused by your comment here. Are you saying that you don’t like yourself?

  4. beverlyhayward

    Keep educating us. We need to arm ourselves with knowledge to halt the advance of Islam in US. Would like to comment on what one of your commenters. Manyuka. God’s word is based on love not conquering. You can have joy now, not anger. The reason you are concerned is that you feel you will go to hell if you do not do what your religion says. I have a choice with the loving God that provided a way to go to heaven and to have joy and peace now Through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for my sin and all sin if you believe.
    Bill, please let me know if I can buy a DVD of your presentation of 1400 years(why are we afraid?).

    • jedicounsellor

      You should have posted this in a reply to Manyuka. Also, this is a discussion thread relating to the video, you should probably have a go at working out the check out process yourself rather than asking in here.

    • manyuka

      sorry you dont have a choice, you have to be muslim, if you wanna go to heaven. i told you islam is no joke, and his command, as he said–those who disregard our verses will be sent to hell–. god is not all about love, he is the biggest punishment and destruction. we can see his actions around ,universe

      • beverlyhayward

        Remember God is in control not humans. I know you are required to read the 4 gospel books of the New Testament. Matthew 24 Tells what Jesus prophesied. The disciples were asking questions as to when he is coming back and He said, “Many will come in My name, saying, I am the Christ, and will deceive many.” Consider what you believe.

        • manyuka

          right opposite god controls humas,everything. we muslims reject christian heresy, so you are saying prophet mohammed was a deceiver, hmmm, oh yeah? what will you do if he turns out to be true on the day of judgement?. you are very brave people. yes we see fake prophets and what they do . i remember a stupid named david koresh. people are that stupid to follow morons like that?

          • beverlyhayward

            On the contrary, what will you do on the judgement day when you didn’t make sure you are believing in the true living God and His provision for eternal life through Jesus Christ, His Son( the Son of God)? I wish you well and will pray for you.

          • manyuka

            we muslims believe and love jesus. we reject his lord status. son of god status, we clearly say the right and logic. those words are insults to invisible and unimaginable god=ALLAH dont like that. he clearly states–heaven is forbidden to those who equal god to other gods, and he didnt die for your nasty sins to save you. if you were saved ,then what are you living for? whats your test? do you afraid of god? no . those words are very important stupid mistakes. you cant make good people, you are not good people, not that good. you are backwards conservative loser people. your countries are doing good for now, but this will end one day. you cant go on like that with this mind .

          • beverlyhayward

            Don’t be angry. It never gets you what you need. I know you have knowledge of Jesus. I wonder if you have a personal relationship with your Allah. Our Heavenly Father has provide away to take away my sin and everyone’s sin. Since God can’t tolerate sin, He sent His only begotten Son (God -Man) to earth to eventually be crucified on the cross to be the first born male perfect sacrifice to cover all sin to whoever believes. That’s the only thing that is required–belief in what Jesus, the Son of God, did for us. John 3:16 &John 14: 6. What I do after that is because I love my Savior, my Father and the Holy Spirit. There is no test, we are given free-will. This whole things is a gift from God who loves me and you. I am sorry if you feel frustrated with me. I have an assurance of eternal life. Don’t be concerned about me.

          • manyuka

            if there is no test, then whats the meaning of hell and heaven. who will be judged and what for to be sent to those places?? what you do to deserve heaven? if god is all about love. why he let evil,disasters,evil beings,nasty diseases out there????. nothing comes about without his will and consent. what if god dont like you? what if god dont love everyone? god dont tolerate sin????.what if god tolerate and forgive sin? because sin is our personal,spirtual growth. by doing sin , we see and know whats right whats wrong.then we ask forgiveness from god.thats what god likes. how would you know light, without seeing the darkness?

          • beverlyhayward

            Because God can’t tolerate sin, by providing a sacrifice for our sin we don’t have to work for our salvation. The test is whether we take God at His word and believe that Jesus was the Son of God and that He died on the cross as a sacrifice for my sin that allows me to have a new life in Jesus Christ. Your free-will means you reject God’s word and the sin separates you from God. If you die in your sin without accepting what God has provided then you are separated from God for eternity which mean you will go to hell. I was a sinner and I still sin, but I repent to God my sin and He is faithful and just to forgive me sins. 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Good night.

          • manyuka

            you are as stubborn as a donkey, you dont wanna understand,see. there is no free ride to heaven ,just to believe is not enough to go to heaven, if it was so all religions would have value in the eye of god. if you die without being muslim you will go to hell, no matter how much you believe him,love jesus. how could you be that stupid,callous,blind,dead ??? one thing for sure, we are worlds apart. i can see that. thank god i m muslim, i dont like you and what i see in you,your dark lives,your backwardness

          • beverlyhayward

            You don’t know me personally so how can you say that about another human. To make a judgement on me on what you are allowed to see. There is corruption and evil in the world. That is in all country’s populations. Choice is are only freedom. You can not work your way to heaven. God does not care for your or my sinful ways. Ephesians 2: 8&9. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Have a blessed life.

          • manyuka

            i m talking about all of you are in darkness,living in darkness, and i dont like that. in daily life i have observed that you are living under dim lights, you dont like bright lights, your everything in dark, you cant live without darkness. but dont worry hell is the darkest place , you werent saved you are responsible to god ,you are responsible to islam also. thats delusion and religious fraught.if you were saved then who will go to hell? you dont feel shame loading your nasty attitutes to jesus. words of jesus were corrupted

          • beverlyhayward

            There is no corruption in Mohammed? Why kill, rape and enslave people? That is godly? I’m afraid there is no help for your soul. God can intervene if you allow Him. Sorry.

  5. mtevans1

    Palestinian Groups Ahead of ISIS in Destroying Antiquities

    Unfortunately nobody is interested in the archeological “crime scene” going on within the Temple Mount.

    Palestinian Arabs have sought to erase evidence of the existence of the Jewish presence in the Land of Israel that predates any Arab or Muslim presence.

  6. mtevans1

    No mention of what the Palestinians have done on the Temple Mount regarding the treasures from the 1st and 2nd Temple eras. Their aim is to erase any evidence of Jewish presence in the Land of Israel during pre-Islamic periods.

    Jewish history’s greatest archaeological crime

    The Temple Mount Sifting Project, now in its 10th year, has uncovered hundreds of thousands of invaluable antiquities from tons of ancient debris discarded like trash from Judaism’s holiest site. I have written to an international archeological society about this “crime” – silence.

  7. jedicounsellor

    Apparently Buddhism was set back by hundreds of years due the destruction of its teachings.

  8. manyuka

    Mr warner you are stupid by equaling isis to islamic wars made against kafir civilizations. First isis is not muslim.second wht there is isis because you kafirs created a chaos in iraq.third war between the truth and the heresy will continue until the last day of world. Fourth your place is hell denying the truth embracing the darkness of heresy. You are in darkness.your lives are in are the worst beings.

    • levon425

      Great job RCH !!!

    • levon425

      It seems you never learn the Koran, and you never lived in Muslim country to see what mean to be a non-Muslims in any Muslim country. Mr Warner doesn’t not just talking, he shows and pointing the area in Koran to support any of his word .
      I have good experiences living in Muslim country and I’m completely agree with all Mr. Warner’s messages.

    • manyuka

      There is no compulsion in religion. Everyone has freedom to be kafir or muslim. If kafir then pay it in hell thats their problem. Anyway islam has it own problem like before happened to before religions. There are mfs who act in the name of religion that gives only bad name to religion. They use and abuse religion to gain power .what you see in middle east is not islam.thats distorted.darkened islam. Islam never forbid freedom .advise to believers to use their minds when it comes to religion.god also says that…dont let them deceive you by me.. i think thats very clear to understand. Islam is the light and rejecting this light will result in eternal fire.thats not something to be taken lightly. Think again.make up your minds. It doesnt worth…

      • jedicounsellor

        manyuka, this statement from the koran you use to support your argument, “There is no compulsion in religion”, doesn’t actually offer freedom of religious belief and as the koran states repeatedly ‘Those who refuse the truth of the koran/mohammad/allah are kafir and all good muslims war/fight/kill kafir’.

        You are obviously a disgrace to Islam for not fighting through lies and deceit and manipulation – you should go and punish yourself before allah the deceiver punishes you more severely.

        • manyuka

          may wits be with you, no freedom because islam is no joke, and final word and command of god.if you disagree then you will go to hell. with this view and mentality you will end up hell. infact your lives are in such darkness and ignorance that you are living hell already .

  9. anti-statist

    Many thanks Dr. Warner for touching on this sensitive topic. Also, please permit me to express my disdain for this insane Islamic behavior! Sadly, this Islamic practice has many historical examples; these examples being so utterly barbaric in nature, are an excellent source of information whereby one can enlighten the unaware. Again, thank you for taking the time to create this informative video.

  10. tosca

    As I understand your opinion : ISIS is not only against Kafir Civilizations( non Muslim) but also Muslim Civilizations that predated Mohammed. Should you not support Muslims, who live not under your extreme definition of jahiliyah. I saw Muslims crying after the bombing of the Mosul Museum- to tell you the truth I cried with them. You have a voice and intellect to do the right thing-please do that.

    • levon425

      I agree, there are many good civil Muslims who criticizes violence’s in Mideast and have the respect to non-Muslims, but most of these people doesn’t read and follow the Koran’s rules.
      The real Muslims with a Koran in the brain are ISIS

    • amarvin1998

      reporting facts whether you like the facts or not does not equate to lies
      A “good” Muslims is one who murders non Muslims and Muslims who tolerate Kafirs.

    • gunslingersixfive

      Your religion was established through violence and has been spread through violence. You annihilate and destroy all the history of the civilizations you have conquered in order to force Islamize those you have subjugated. Your own holy books say this. There was no Islam prior to Mohammad.

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