Enough of Radical Islam

The following article by Ben Shapiro is one of the best so far to come out of the Mumbai jihad. (Thanks to RealClearPolitics.com)

Enough of Radical Islam

By Ben Shapiro

December 04, 2008

Enough with the pseudonyms. Western civilization isn’t at war with terrorism any more than it is at war with grenades. Western civilization is at war with militant Islam, which dominates Muslim communities all over the world. Militant Islam isn’t a tiny minority of otherwise goodhearted Muslims. It’s a dominant strain of evil that runs rampant in a population of well over 1 billion.

Enough with the psychoanalysis. They don’t hate us because of Israel. They don’t hate us because of Kashmir. They don’t hate us because we have troops in Saudi Arabia or because we deposed Saddam Hussein. They don’t hate us because of Britney Spears. They hate us because we are infidels, and because we don’t plan on surrendering or providing them material aid in their war of aggressive expansion.

Enough with the niceties. We don’t lose our souls when we treat our enemies as enemies. We don’t undermine our principles when we post more police officers in vulnerable areas, or when we send Marines to kill bad guys, or when we torture terrorists for information. And we don’t redeem ourselves when we close Guantanamo Bay or try terrorists in civilian courts or censor anti-Islam comics. When it comes to war, extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Enough with the words. Talking with Iran without wielding the threat of force, either economic or military, won’t help. Appealing to the United Nations, run by thugs and dictators ranging from Putin to Chavez to Ahmadinejad, is an exercise in pathetic futility. Evil countries don’t suddenly decide to abandon their evil goals — they are forced to do so by pressure and circumstance.

Enough with the faux allies. We don’t gain anything by pretending that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are true allies. They aren’t. At best, they are playing both sides of the table. We ought to be drilling now in order to break OPEC. Building windmills isn’t going to cut it. We should also be backing India to the hilt in its current conflict with Pakistan — unless Pakistan can destroy its terrorist element, India should be given full leeway to do what it needs to do. Russia and China, meanwhile, are facilitating anti-Western terrorism. Treating them as friends in this global war is simply begging for a backstabbing.

Enough with the myths. Not everyone on earth is crying out for freedom. There are plenty of people who are happy in their misery, believing that their suffering is part and parcel of a correct religious system. Those people direct their anger outward, targeting unbelievers. We cannot simply knock off dictators and expect indoctrinated populations to rise to the liberal democratic challenge. The election of Hamas in the Gaza Strip is more a rule than an exception in the Islamic world.

Enough with the lies. Stop telling us that Islam is a religion of peace. If it is, prove it through action. Stop telling us that President-elect Barack Obama will fix our broken relationship with the Muslim world. They hate Obama just as much as they hated President George W. Bush, although they think Obama is more of a patsy than Bush was. Stop telling us that we shouldn’t worry about the Islamic infiltration of our economy. If the Saudis own a large chunk of our banking institutions and control the oil market, they can certainly leverage their influence in dangerous ways.

Enough. After the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the plane downed in Pennsylvania, the endless suicide bombings, shootings and rocket attacks in Israel, the Bali bombings, the synagogue bombing in Tunisia, the LAX shootings, the Kenyan hotel bombing, the Casablanca attacks, the Turkey synagogue attacks, the Madrid bombings, the London bombings, and the repeated attacks in India culminating in the Mumbai massacres — among literally thousands of others — it’s about time that the West got the point: we’re in a war. Our enemies are determined. They will not quit just because we offer them Big Macs, Christina Aguilera CDs, or even the freedom to vote. They will not quit just because we ensure that they have Korans in their Guantanamo cells, or because we offer to ban “The Satanic Verses” (as India did). They will only quit when they are dead. It is our job to make them so, and to eliminate every obstacle to their destruction.

So enough. No more empty talk. No more idle promises. No more happy ignorance, half measures, or appeasement-minded platitudes. The time for hard-nosed, uncompromising action hasn’t merely come — it’s been overdue by seven years. The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.

Bill Warner

Permalink https://politicalislam.com/enough-of-radical-islam/

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9 Responses

  1. R_not

    You almost got it right, the problem being that even the ‘peaceful’ muslims are a problem because they not only support the violent ones (muslim charities, giving their kids to the ’cause’, being part of a community that not only celebrates their martyrs who kill people while dying to get into paradise (and being one of the saved that the martyr names) but part of the community that does nothing to stop the violence and protest/riot over strikes back at them and then claiming victimhood if necessary.

    the problem is the koran. They are told to deceive us as to understanding the koran. They don’t tell us that our lands are considered the lands of war (dar al harb) and that their goals are to not necessarily kill us, or convert us, but to subjugate us and establish sharia law in our lands. those same laws of inequality, injustice and human rights violations.

    By us not realizing that ‘islam is islam and muslims are muslims’ we allow such organizations as the MSA (muslim student association) in our schools with direct ties to the muslim brotherhood. that same organization with ties to CAIR, Hamas, Hezbollah, wahabbism, and al qaeda.

    That majority that we think are peaceful and silent – well, they somehow are able to let their feelings known when Israel finally got sick of being attacked and struck back. Along with their useful idiots (our left wingers) they took to the streets. Where were they in protesting the Mumbai attacks – oh, we got a letter. It is probably a standardized letter that is sent out to make sure that we don’t bother their good muslims who are supporting the violence by their silence.

    Its Bukhari b9, v86, n101 mohammad: “Silence is consent.”

    and then we have: Tabari VIII:23 “The Messenger and his Companions continued in the fear and distress that Allah has described in the Qur’an. Then Nu’aym came to the Prophet. ‘I ‘ve become a Muslim, but my tribe does not know of my Islam; so command me whatever you will.’ Muhammad said, ‘Make them abandon each other if you can so that they will leave us; for war is deception.'”

    Keep in mind they are told to deceive us as to understanding the koran (they use the weaker Meccan surahs knowing that they have been abrogated by the stronger Medina surahs which are the violent surahs.

    There is so much more and to say it as simply as possible – the koran and the rest of muslim’s texts are just battle tactics against us so they reach their end goal of making islam dominate over us.

  2. Rick Stanich

    islam by it”s definition means “to Submit” Submit to what? That is a good question , asked by someone who is looking for the Truth for a Viable society.
    Unfortunately with islam , submission means , submission to mohamed and his directives.. Aside from what mohamed “Said” all anyone has to do is look at mohameds actions. The entire mideast was Raped Into SUBMISSION by the forces of i SLAM
    i SLAM or i LOVE

  3. Rick Stanich

    THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS “MILITANT I SLAM apart from the koran. The koran is the Mein Kamph that todays adherhants , either submit to or don”t. IF muslims were to SUBMIT to the entirety of the korans message , our world would be assailed with 1.6 billion terrorists. The peaceful so called muslims , are not muslim , if they do not act according to mohamed, they are infedels . What we have in the muslim ideology are terrorists being TRUE to their doctrine ,, and Luke warm muslims who are considered infedels ,,, who are not muslim

  4. Rick Stanich

    I can only hope that the christians in this world , understands the anti CHRIST element that pervades mohamed and his ejaculations of hatred towards anything CIVILISED.
    The Lie of I SLAM needs to be exposed for the violent Doctrine that it is. Even the mention of I SLAM is completely offensive to CHRISTS doctrine of I LOVE. islam is a lie , and was born in the womb of TERROR .i SLAM raped the entire middle east of it’s Civility towards change and growth. If i SLAM did not exist , their would be NO wars on this earth TODAY. America may have it”s clandestine WAR AGAINST TERROR , but it exists only in the arena of i SLAM

  5. tjlim

    The Muslims will not compromise their attempts to conquer the non Muslim world. If they cannot convince you, it will be neccessary to kill you. After all non Muslims are infidels and Allsh as so defined and commanded that infidels must be killed.

  6. Mel-sahn

    The Muslims are only exercising the tenents outlined in the Koran, Hadith, and the Sira. Islam is a total social, economical, and political system. Look at the constitutions of Islamic countries, they are enunciated with the Islamic Creed. Just as Muslims are reaching back to there Mohammedan, Meccan roots, Westerners have to go back to there Natural Law roots, and abandon the politically correct half-truths about the greatest threat to our way of life domesticaly and internationally.

  7. Paul Troon

    An EXCELLENT piece! Thank you for having the audacity to call a “spade” a “spade” so to speak.

    If only the rest of the American Media had the bravery you have in putting forth these “radical” ideas!

    Paul Troon

  8. Joshua Warren

    The information in Ben Shapiro’s post may be a hard pill for a lot of Americans to swallow, but it is absolutely true. The question is…”How long before enough of us wake up to this threat to our very existence, and, will it be in time to defeat it”?

    Thanks to Mr. Shapiro and others like him, the warning is being sounded. How many will hear it? How many will truly recognize it as a warning and come to realize the magnitude of this threat?

    Even a cursory study of Islam will show the true aims of what can only be described as a scourge on humanity. They hide what they do and think…in plain sight, if we are only willing to see and listen. This threat is an insidious one that has the ability to take its victim (you and me) by surprise, yet do it in a gradual manner that makes it almost appear benign. Much like the example of a frog slowly being boiled to death while it enjoys the “bath”.

    I’ve always wanted the ability to see into the future. I think virtually EVERY American would also. Well, I’m going to give you that ability right now. If you want to see the future of this nation, just look to Europe. What is happening there right now is what is coming our way. Not maybe! Not perhaps! No, it is surely coming!

    How do I know? Because I know the nature of Islam and the nature of its adherents. I know their “endgame”. I know their goals, objectives, and their methodology.

    Some say the economy is the most important issue of our time. I say “bunk”! Economies can be fixed. Economies can turn around. They can get better. And, assuming our politicians get their fingers out of it, our economy WILL get better. Not so for the threat of militant Islam. It is relentless. It is goal-oriented. And it is patient.

    But it CAN be defeated. And the first step in the process to defeat radical Islam is for our people to become informed about this threat. Thank you, Mr Shapiro, for aiding in that effort. I would encourage all who read this to make a concerted effort to learn all you can about the greatest threat to our existence in history. And no, I do NOT think that statement is being overly-dramatic. Once properly informed, you won’t either.

    Please plug in to the following site for more information as well as to find out what IS being done to combat this threat. Think of it as merely the starting point for your study into this subject. There are many more links on the site that you’ll want to visit. Your future and that of your children may depend on it.


    Joshua Warren
    Concerned Citizen

  9. Ramachandra Abhyankar

    The democracies of the world need to go on the offensive against Islamic Jihad, instead of simply reacting to every new atrocity commited by the Islamic Jihadists.

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