The Pope and the Imam

Pope Francis met with a high level imam in order to spread peace and co-existence. The Pope is willing to ignore 1400 years of jihad against Christians to talk about peace. But peace in Islam only comes after submission. Co-existence in Islam comes when the Kafir becomes a dhimmi and accepts Sharia law.

The last Pope to talk about the history of Islamic murder of Christians caused Muslims to riot and kill.

This Pope calls terrorism the problem, not jihad. He also uses the phony phrase “true Islam” as if jihad is not true Islam. The shop-worn word “extremist” is used to divorce the doctrine of Islam from reality of current events and history.

The imam spoke the only word of truth: “We should not treat Muslims as a terrorist threat.” The threat is not Muslims; the threat is the doctrine of political Islam.

The Pope also brought home Muslim migrants, not Christian refugees from Islamic persecution. The Pope, Christians and everybody else ignore the suffering of Christians.

The Pope is no different from the ignorant Protestants and Jews. Ignorance is the problem, ignorance of the political nature of Islam.

Папа и имам
Папа Френсис встретился с высокопоставленным имамом с целью распространения мира и сосуществования. Папа Римский готов проигнорировать 1400-летний джихад против христиан ради того, чтобы поговорить о мире. Однако мир в Исламе приходит только с покорностью. Сосуществование в Исламе возможно с превращением кафиров в зимми, которые примут законы шариата. Последний разговор Папы об истории исламских убийств христиан привел мусульман к волнениям и убийствам.
Этот папа называет терроризм проблемой, а не джихадом. Он также использует фальшивое словосочетание “истинный Ислам”, как будто джихад является неистинным Исламом. Расхожее слово «экстремист» используется для отделения учения Ислама от реальной истории и текущих событий.
Имам сказал только одно слово истины: «Мы не должны относиться к мусульманам как к террористической угрозе». Угрозой являются не мусульмане. Угрозой является идеология политического Ислама.
Папа также дает разъяснения в отношении исламского преследования мусульманских мигрантов, а не христианских беженцев. Папа Римский, христиане и все прочие игнорируют страдания христиан.
Папа не отличается от невежественных протестантов и иудеев. Незнание — вот истинная проблема, незнание характера политического Ислама.

7 Responses

  1. ibid

    The meeting between the imam and pope is highly disturbing and so close to World Invocation Day May 21, 2016. Here is my theory: If there is no resistance, there is no jihad. The pope has symbolically surrendered the Vatican to Islam by taking in Muslim refugees. He is more concerned about the 100’s of millions of people who have been killed by religious wars in the past than the present genocide. He is thinking of the potential of 100’s of millions more being killed by religious wars in the future. The pope is downplaying the role of Jesus with the objective of transitioning to One World Religion. He is looking for common ground with all religions and in particular, Islam. Please see this Vatican video: Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for January 2016 Remember the pope washing the feet of Muslim migrants in March? Here is what St Thomas Aquinas circa 1260 wrote that this symbolized: 1. A symbol of Christ’s blood washing away (Islam’s) sin 2. human imperfection – we are all sinners 3. Jesus (the pope) took upon himself the punishment that the disciples (Islam) had earned.
    Stay tuned for the pope’s Press Conference of presentation of the Letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith “Iuvenescit Ecclesia” on the relation between hierarchical and charismatic gifts for the life and the mission of the Church.
    scheduled for June 14th:
    Symbolism of the washing of the feet:

  2. ewriggs

    Orthodox Christians KNOW the truth about Islam. We have been persecuted by Jihad for centuries. Now, we are being denied entry into the USA because the POTUS prefers to admit Muslims. Europe is inundated by refugees – among whom are Muslims dedicated to Jihad. Sweden is overrun, Denmark is overrun, Germany is overrun, France is overrun, and England is overrun! “Cover the crosses or we won’t enter – and you will have discriminated against us!” “Give us foot baths, prayer rooms, prayer spaces. Give us…Give us…Give us. Like fools peoples and nations are giving in. Orthodox Christians has lived and worshiped in catacombs in the past, and, if necessary, will live and worship there again. May the Lord God have mercy upon us all!

  3. temorford

    The inability to discern the true nature of Islam, is the result of only knowing the religiously-correct version of Christianity.

  4. samcginty

    It is hard to believe that the Pope nor his staff know what is in the Quran & Sira. There is something else going on here.

  5. anti-statist

    Thank you Dr. Warner for your insightful commentary on this disturbing development. The Pope clearly does not understand the Islamic view that he, and all other Christians, are “people of the book”, and are nevertheless considered Kafirs.

    Of course if it were only a inane descriptive term, Kafir could be easily dismissed. Unfortunately, the historic evidence indicates that Islam has perpetrated massive amounts violence against Kafirs, and this over many centuries!

  6. Aingel

    Done quite well for a criminal, this pope. Evaded justice, met with the MD of CERN, the top iman, and a host of world “leaders”, who between them have dramatically added to Earths woes .. What with all the fake Gobelski Tepe accounts, the (when ever) looming Conchita Gonzales 8 day Notice, et al, its not hard to see how he doesn’t feel terribly catholic about things these days .. Dr Warner, ss usual you identifying the precise issues, which men of integrity need to get to grips with, rather than the spurious befooling chatter of the mishrak’ and their western fan club.

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