Islamic Immigration

Islamic immigration is unlike any other form of immigration. The political doctrine of Islam started with Mohammed’s migration from Mecca to Medina. After Mohammed went to Medina his message changed from pure religion to politics and jihad. Only 150 Arabs in Mecca converted, but after 10 years of jihad, every Arab became Muslim.
The migration from Mecca to Medina marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, since it was migration that produced success.
There are 91 verses that command Muslims to imitate Mohammed. Therefore, every Muslim has the duty to bring the Sharia to the host country, in order to Islamicize it.


Исламская иммиграция

Исламская иммиграция отличается от любой другой формы иммиграции. Политическая идеология Ислама берет начало с переезда Мухаммада из Мекки — в Медину. После того, как Мухаммада перебрался в Медину, его послание превратилось из чисто религиозного — в политику и джихад.

Ислам приняли всего 150 арабов в Мекке, но после 10 лет джихада, каждый араб стал мусульманином. Миграция из Мекки в Медину знаменует собой начало исламского календаря, поскольку именно миграция способствовала успеху.

Существует 91 стих, повелевающий мусульманам подражать Мухаммаду. Таким образом, каждый мусульманин обязан ввести Шариат в принимающую их страну для ее исламизации.



4 Responses

  1. […] meantime, our leader is calling it a setback. Incredible. I'm glad some understand the end goal. Islamic Immigration – Political Islam Political Islam – Islam's ideology about unbelievers, Kafirs Reply With […]

  2. ThompsonY3K

    Islam (Sharia Law) Is INCOMPATIBLE with ALL other religions (cults) and forms of government… and the Constitution of The United States. ~ Al Thompson

  3. […] are 91 verses that command Muslims to imitate Mohammed. Therefore, every Muslim has the duty to bring the Sharia to the host country, in order to Islamicize […]

  4. anti-statist

    Thank you Bill for posting this informative video. The seeming free handed placement of foreign born Muslims in this country by the current administration, should give each of us pause for grave concern.

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