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Migration Madness Syndrome
May, 2 2018|Bill Warner
Europe’s Elite want their citizens to believe open borders and migration from Islamic countries will solve their need for a future workforce due to a shrinking population. I call their bluff. If they need workers, why not get them from… Read More
The Gravity of Mohammed
January, 11 2018|Bill Warner
The protests in Iran are not only about economics and politics, they’re also about Islam. Iran in the 1960's saw mini skirts, smiling women with uncovered hair, men and women freely holding hands on university… Read More
Political Islam, a Totalitarian Doctrine
April, 4 2017|Bill Warner
Totalitarianism is a political system of absolute power where the state has no limit to its authority and regulates every aspect of public and private life. THE NATURE OF ISLAM The most common assumption about… Read More
The Truth about Christians Among the Refugees
February, 8 2017|Bill Warner
The Truth about Christians Among the Refugees Executive summary A female interpreter of Eritrean origin, who lives in Germany and of whom neither the Muslim migrants nor the locally hired Muslims know that she is… Read More