Kafir Net

Kafir Net is a new type of web site that allow us to work together to defeat political Islam. Watch this video for an introduction to a new concept for victory.

7 Responses

  1. geoff

    does anyone know a book on Arab migration called
    from time immemorial ? gh

  2. geoff

    Islam has many faults when compared to the christian religion a personal relationship with God for one false religions do not receive the Holy spirit so no healing it s left to god willing even though the Holy spirit is spoken of , the list goes on and on and most of them do not know their own religion plenty of material to attack them on GRH

  3. geoff

    reading Psychology of a Muslim excellent read and explains a lot GH

  4. geoff

    I have made a dvd of bills videos and sent out 100 copies cheap and better than books (people dont read them) also
    have sent some overseas to new Zealand and even California this has been directed to Government and Journalist and some churches this has been cost effective and has been passed on Geoff Hargraves

  5. geoff

    bill this islam problem is getting worse keep up the good work

    Geoff H

  6. sbdietrich

    Excellent! Sharing all over.

  7. Glenn

    Thank you Bill for all of the work you do. I am honored to be a part of Kafir Net in an effort to educate and warn others to the dangers of Islam.

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