Center for the Study of Political Islam International

Cancelled – Due to Sharia

Society is being greatly impacted in Europe, whether it is soldiers in the subways, or fences and guards at the Eiffel tower and the Louvre, or cancelling an annual summer music festival in Sweden. These events are the thin edge… Read More

Blow Back

Last Friday, Tommy Robinson became a political prisoner in “Soviet” England.  He was arrested during his live-stream reporting of the sentencing of rape gang who kept young girls as sex slaves.  Tommy was rushed to jail, and subsequently the UK… Read More

The Trap Door to Escape Sharia

THE TRAP DOOR TO ESCAPE SHARIA. There is constant pressure from Islam for Kafirs to submit to the Sharia. Most Kafirs think that if we accommodate their demands, then Muslims will be satisfied, and we can go back to our… Read More

The Truth about Christians Among the Refugees

The Truth about Christians Among the Refugees Executive summary A female interpreter of Eritrean origin, who lives in Germany and of whom neither the Muslim migrants nor the locally hired Muslims know that she is a Christian, revealed what she… Read More

Победа названий — The Victory of Names

Победа названий Мы выиграли в национальной схватке. Христианские демократы Чешской Республики выступили с заявлением, отвергающим политический Ислам как несовместимый с ценностями западной (кафирской) цивилизации. (См. ниже) Чтобы побороть политический Ислам, мы должны правильно его назвать, потому что название является доводом.… Read More

The Victory of Names

The Victory of Names We have won a national skirmish. The Christian Democrats of the Czech Republic have made a statement rejecting political Islam as being incompatible with Western (Kafir) civilizational values. (See below) The big lie that Islam introduces… Read More

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