Center for the Study of Political Islam International

An Honest Muslim Among the Dhimmis

Of Interest: Islam must always dominate over all aspects of life. It is a nation unto itself and has no borders. Here is what can happen when Islamic politics collides with a country’s sovereignty. Here is another example of Islam… Read More

An Ethical Basis for War

by Bill Warner KNOW THE ENEMY This work is based upon Sun Tsu’s The Art of War a 2,500 year old Chinese book of strategy. THE ENEMY The word islam means submission . “ Submission” is a political thought. Islam… Read More

The Study of Political Islam

By Jamie Glazov | 2/5/2007 Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Bill Warner, the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI). CSPI’s goal is to teach the doctrine of political Islam through its books and it… Read More

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