Center for the Study of Political Islam International

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Political Sharia

Islam is introducing Sharia into America under the guise of religious freedom. We are told that Sharia is religious law and, therefore, we should not worry about it. This is, at best, a half-truth. To understand the Sharia, you MUST… Read More

Jesus Akbar

A Yale theologian, Miroslav Volf, came to a Christian school, Lipscomb University, and talked about how Islam and Christianity can live in harmony and respect. He is part of a new industry in America, Christians constructing beautiful lies about Islam.… Read More

Partners in Crime

(First published in American Thinker) The Islamic Society of North American (ISNA) is an organization linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. ISNA was an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terror financing trial ever held. If you… Read More

A Kafir Brotherhood

Every where we look today we see the organized power of Islam. On March 8, 2012 representatives from 20 chapters of CAIR met with 113 Congressional offices. Is it a problem that CAIR can do this powerful political move? No.… Read More

West Point and the Grand Lie

Recently the West Point Military Academy denied retired LTG Jerry Boykin, a candid speaker about Islam, a chance to be at a prayer breakfast at West Point. The usual suspects not only didn’t want any discussion that might involve Islam,… Read More

Nothing is above Honor

by Asma Marwan: from the Bulletin of the Oppression of Women Allah Bachaya has surrendered himself to Rohilanwali [Pakistan] police after killing his sister in the name of honour but he is confident that he will be released in a… Read More

A First Step

Tennessee State Representative Rick Womick, a former fighter pilot, unleashed some firepower in a speech in which he said that Muslims should not serve in the US military. Needless to say, the usual suspects, including the morally corrupt ADL, howled… Read More

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